Kevin Le Guillou

Koosmik Mobile App

An Android and iOS app for customers and pros alike, enabling them to transfer, request and withdraw money easily.

Involved from conception to release and worked on the design, coding and testing from 2015 to 2017.

Consistent brand design

Designed entirely in Sketch, the brand design consistency is enforced using symbols and documentation. Intensive use of vectors and non-lossy content to facilitate usage in various communication material (videos, embedded web animations, etc.).

See how I created the Brand Guidelines

Integration with SCSS and Angular 1.X

The app runs on Ionic, a Cordova based solution that simplifies the creation of an HTML mobile app. I worked closely with the developpers to integrate my designs, coding in Javascript, SCSS and HTML, while they focused on the core part of the app (views, API calls, OS interactions, etc.).

Optimization of the app and support of old Android versions

Android 4.2.2 was the sweet spot between available features and market coverage for Koosmik, but this meant a lot of debugging and optimizations had to be done to provide an efficient app across all Android versions (4.2.2 to current release).

Extensive research and changes were done to write a stable and retrocompatible Ionic app that could then be exported to the various environments. The goal was to keep one codebase while still be able to serve iOS and Android apps.

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